J. Biliūnas native land in Niūronys |
• Narrow Gauge Railway Station
Vilties str. 2, Anykščiai, tel. +370 381 58015, www.siaurukas.eu,
• Horse Museum
Niūronys village, Anykščiai district, tel. +370 381 51722, www.arkliomuziejus.lt
• Angel Museum and Sacral Art
Vilniaus str. 11, Anykščiai, tel. +370 381 51447, www.anyksmc.lt
• A. Baranauskas and A. Vienuolis-Žukauskas
Memorial Museum and Showroom
A. Vienuolio str. 4, Anykščiai, tel./fax +370 381 58015, +370 381 52912, www.baranauskas.lt
• Memorial house-museum of B.
Vilniaus str. 21, Anykščiai, tel. +370 381 58138, www.baranauskas.lt
• Memorial homestead-museum of
writer J. Biliūnas
Niūronys village, Anykščiai district, tel. +370 381 51722, www.baranauskas.lt
• Homestead of L. and S.
Griežionėliai village, Anykščiai district, tel. +370 381 43901, www.baranauskas.lt
• Anykščiai Chapel – the
center of concerts and exhibitions
Vilniaus str. 36, Anykščiai, tel. +370 381 54432
• Museum of Svėdasai
(Vaižgantas) land
Kunigiškių village, Anykščiai district, mob. +370 682 33024
• Visitor
center of Anykščiai Regional Park.
J. Biliūno str. 55, Anykščiai, tel. +370 381 50738, www.anyksciuparkas.lt
• Review tower at Rubikiai lake
Bijeikiai village, Anykščiai district
• Arboretum and sculpture park
Troškūnai village, Anykščiai district, www.amu.lt
• The yard of wild animals
Mikieriai village, Anykščiai district, www.amu.lt
• Traupis Botanical Garden
Traupis village, Anykščiai district, www.traupis.lt

The contest of
Republican floristic carpets |
Heavy music
festival “Devil’s stone” |
•International swimming sprint festival "Anykščiai – 2012“. Place of the
event: Anykščiai mini spa “Bangenis“, Ažupiečių str. 1A, Anykščiai
• Adventure race “Nykštietiškas triathlon” in Anykščiai
• Festival of traditional culture and horse sport „Bėk bėk, žirgeli!“. Place of
the event: Niūronys village, Anykščiai district
• Professional music festival “Rubikiai – the bank of songs”
• Joninės regatta on Rubikiai lake. Place of the event: Rubikiai, Anykščiai district
•International children and youth art therapeutics and creative improvisation
camp-festival “The desires” („Troškimai“). Place of the event: Troškūnai town,
Anykščiai district
• Heavy music festival “Devil’s stone” („Velnio akmuo“). Place of the event:
Dainuva valley, Anykščiai
• Anykščiai city festival – the convention of Anykščiai inhabitants from all over
the world. St. Anna feast
Place of the event: the center of Anykščiai city and the park
• The contest of Republican floristic carpets in Anykščiai
• Lithuanian youth ethnic culture and unusual folklore locomotion “Folk-virus“.
Place of the event: Troškūnai town, Anykščiai district
• International organist festival "Junior priores organorium Seinensis“. Place of
the event: St. Apostle evangelist Matthew church of Anykščiai
• National bard festival “Purple evening” („Purpurinis vakaras“). Place of the
event: Dainuva valley, Anykščiai
Summer tobaggan run |
Joninės regatta on Rubikiai lake |
• Summer tobaggan run and mountain
skiing in recreational park “Kalita“. Kalno str. 25, Anykščiai, tel. +370
381 78144, mob. +370 698 73879, kalita@res.lt, www.kalitoskalnas.lt
• Excursion “Wine route”
(„Vyno kelias“) round AB “Anykščių vynas“ company and / or tasting of the
production, Dariaus and Girėno str. 8, Anykščiai, tel. +370 381 50313, www.anvynas.lt
• The drive by “siaurukas“,
bicycles, railing and hand-held trolley. Vilties str. 2, Anykščiai, tel. +370
381 54597, www.siaurukas.eu, www.siaurukomuziejus.lt
• Riding, coach and sledge
driving, four-wheeled motorcycles, shooting in riding club “Vilartas“.
Niūronys village, Anykščiai district, mob.: +370 618 84810, +370 615 59120, info@vilartas.lt, www.vilartas.lt
• Riding, riding the coach and
sledge, riding lessons in riding club “Origonas”. Niūronys village,
Anykščiai district,
mob. +370 686 35255, klubas.origonas@gmail.com, www.jodinek.lt
• Riding in the yard, riding the
carriage, riding the sledge in winter in Horse museum, in the territory of the
museum and round the surroundings of Niuronys, tel. +370 381 51722, mob. +370 623 70629,
arkliomuziejus@gmail.com, www.arkliomuziejus.lt
• Archery – in the yard
at survey tower nearby Šeimyniškėliai mound, tel.: +370 381 52922, +370 381 52912,
a.vienuolis@delfi.lt, www.baranauskas.lt
• The ride by four-wheeled
motorcycles, karting, bokarting, auto-cross motorcars in Anykščiai kart track.
Road No. 120 (Anykščiai–Ukmergė), 1 km from Anykščiai. Mob. +370 687
81480,tsk@motorsportas.lt, www.motorsportas.lt
• Swimming, mini spa, gym
in the pool “Bangenis“, Ažupiečių str. 1A, Anykščiai, tel./ fax +370 381 59431,
mob.: +370 670 80486, +370 686 30729, sveikatosoaze@res.lt,
• Bowling, lawn tennis, basketball
in entertainments and sport complex „Keturi kalnai“. Liūdiškių str. 18,
Anykščiai, tel. +370 381 58520, info@keturikalnai.lt,
• Paintball, archery, aquatic
entertainments. Mikieriai village, Anykščiai district, mob. +370 659 05057, sodyba@slenis.com, www.slenis.com
• Maize labyrinth, paintball
and other entertainments in Anykščiai district, mob. +370 674 10502, info@poilsisanyksciuose.lt, www.poilsisanyksciuose.lt
• Sliding with water skies,
parachute, and inflatable wheel on Nevėža Lake, mob. +370 618 13354
• Concerts
and exhibitions in the old city chapel Vilniaus str. 36, Anykščiai, tel. +370
381 54432
• Relaxation on the water,
canoes, boats, water bicycles, and floats rent, www.antour.lt/laisv/sub-17.html
Mountain skiing
Entertainments with horses |
• Demonstrative bread baking “Daily bread”
(„Duonelė kasdieninė“) that is organized in the Higher Lithuania homesteads of Horse
Museum. Niūronys village, Anykščiai, mob.: +370 612 69545, +370 616 25124
• Upper Lithuanian pancakes with dips and cheeses in homestead named “Sun
pancake” („Saulės blynas“).
Slėnio str. 9, Burbiškiai village, Anykščiai district, mob. +370 692 22108, slyva@erdves.lt, www.saulesblynas.lt
• Fishing with nets and smoking of during program “Fish”
Antežerio village, mob. +370 682 48202, antezeris@gmail.com
• Sheep gutting and preparation of barbecue during program “Sheep”,
Antežerio village.,
mob. +370 682 48202, antezeris@gmail.com
• Preparation of homemade cheese and dishes of cultural heritage,
Niūronys village., Anykščiai district,
mob. 8 682 13405, kavinepasagele@gmail.com
• “Meeting of the birds and elevation of nesting-boxes”
The Direction of Anykščiai Regional Park, J. Biliūno str. 55, Anykščiai, tel. +370
381 50738,
mob. +370 686 45368, www.anyksciuparkas.lt
• “Spring flowering plants”
The Direction of Anykščiai Regional Park, J. Biliūno str. 55, Anykščiai, tel. +370
381 50738,
mob. +370 686 45368, www.anyksciuparkas.lt
• “Autumnal entourage of the birds (observation and recognition of the birds
in nature)“
The Direction of Anykščiai Regional Park, J. Biliūno str. 55, Anykščiai, tel. +370
381 50738,
mob. +370 686 45368, www.anyksciuparkas.lt
• “Through the paths of Anykščiai pinewood”
The Direction of Anykščiai Regional Park, J. Biliūno str. 55, Anykščiai, tel. +370
381 50738,
mob. +370 686 45368, www.anyksciuparkas.lt
Ancient baltic hunting
and fishing education program on Šeimyniškėliai mound |
In Anykščiai land you can indulge with the dishes of cultural heritage. The best of them
– natural blackcurrant wine "Voruta“ of dark color and bright flavor, started to
produce since 1926 (www.anvynas.lt). Palatable
dumplings are being prepared in Kavarskas town. The taste of them is strengthened by
glorifying of various stories miraculous St. John spring water springing from near
existing coffee-shop (www.kavarsko-koldunai.lt).
Please go to Niūroniai town that is famous for Horse museum and visit cafeteria
"Heel-plate”. There švilpikai, kukoriai, croissants, potatoes cakes, homemade
cakes, homemade kvass, caraways kvass – traditional dishes of cultural heritage – are
prepared from
local products. Here in Niūronys, in Upper Lithuanian cottages educational lessons take
place during which ordinary bread is being baked - national heritage of Lithuania (www.arkliomuziejus.lt). The landladies of village
tourism homestead "Barono Vila" established near Svėdasai town will prepare and
treat you to beetroot soup with boletus, dumplings with lamb, filling cabbage soup, pork
wraps with mushroom sauce, potatoes boiled in their jackets (www.baronovila.lt). In the coffee-shop of Tea magic
please treat acorn coffee (www.ramunovaistazoles.lt).
When driving in order to see beauty Rubikiai lake please visits Burbiškis. The landlady
of homestead “Saulės blynas” will prepare you large Higher Lithuania pancakes with
the dips of various sorts (www.saulesblynas.lt).
Homemade bread can be brought from Anykščiai as fairing.
Please arrive, taste and comeback.